We Did It!
Here’s a shout-out to you for showing up with the biggest voice and heart.
All proceeds from this charity fundraiser will be donated to CARE Singapore to help youths succeed in life. Thank you for coming together and giving with your voice!
About the fundraiser
When and where is the charity fundraiser happening?
- The fundraiser exercise for the Children-at-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore) will be held from 27 to 29 January 2023 (Friday to Sunday), 10am to 9pm at Bugis Junction, Level 1 Fountain Area.
- While we welcome the public’s active participation in the charity fundraiser, your safety remains our utmost priority. We may suspend and/or otherwise discontinue the exercise at our discretion, should there be an overwhelming response or such other concerns.
How can members of the public participate in the fundraiser?
- Join us in making a difference to the lives of at-risk children from 27 to 29 January 2023 at Bugis Junction!
- Make a $2 donation with the GXS Fortune Cat and we will match it up to 8 times*. All you need to do is:
- Insert your $2 note into the Fortune Cat machine
- Shout “Gong Xi Fa Cai” as loud as you can
- GXS will match your $2 donation dollar-for-dollar and multiply it by up to 8 times* based on how loud you shout
- The results of your well-wishes will be displayed on the screen. A QR code with a GoodWill receipt indicating how much you have raised will also be displayed.
- All proceeds will go to Children-at-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore), an Institution of Public Charter (IPC)-registered charity organisation in Singapore.
- We hope members of the public will join us in raising funds that can help empower our future generation to thrive and achieve their fullest potential.
*GXS Bank will match all donations up to $100,000.
How is the donation multiplier / level of the audio determined?
- The GXS Fortune Cat uses an audio-enabled mechanism that tracks decibels to determine the loudness of your voice when shouting “Gong Xi Fa Cai”
- This is how GXS would be matching your donation* based on how loud you shout:
- 49 decibels and below – GXS matches your donation* dollar-for-dollar
- 50 to 59 decibels – GXS multiplies your donation* by two times
- 60 to 69 decibels – GXS multiplies your donation* by four times
- 70 to 79 decibels – GXS multiplies your donation* by six times
- 80 decibels and above – GXS multiplies your donation* by eight times
- For example, if the GXS Fortune Cat detects that your voice when shouting “Gong Xi Fa Cai” was 60 decibels, GXS will contribute $8 (i.e. $2 multiplied by 4) to the overall donation and it will comprise $2 from you, and $8 from GXS.
- 50 decibels is as loud as a casual conversation with a friend while 80 decibels is similar to a car honking!
*GXS Bank will match all donations up to $100,000
How will GXS Bank ensure the money deposited by members of the public remains secure during the fundraiser?
- GXS Bank will be donating all funds raised promptly to the Children-at-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore).
- We will also have staff onsite at all times to ensure the GXS Fortune Cat remains secure.
What if there are technical difficulties faced at the fundraiser itself?
- We have technical specialists on-site to ensure a smooth donation experience for members of the public.
About the beneficiary
Why was CARE Singapore selected as the beneficiary?
- CARE Singapore’s mission of helping at-risk youth by giving them the tools to achieve their aspirations and goals resonates strongly with GXS’ vision of helping the underserved achieve their goals with the right financial tools.
- Proceeds from the fundraiser will support various CARE Singapore programmes such as their Girl Power! Programme which seeks to empower girls from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as their Hear4U helpline, which offers psychological first-aid and heavily subsidised counselling services.
How will CARE Singapore disburse funds after receiving the donations?
- The funds raised will go to where they are most needed as determined by CARE Singapore, and depending on the amount, they will be allocated to areas with deficits to free up funds for other projects.
- Proceeds from the fundraiser will support various CARE Singapore programmes such as their Girl Power! Programme which seeks to empower girls from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as their Hear4U helpline, which offers psychological first-aid and heavily subsidised counselling services.
How can I verify my donations will be disbursed to CARE Singapore?
- CARE Singapore has obtained a permit from the National Council of Social Services (NCSS) for GXS to conduct this fundraising exercise.
- You may request to see a copy of this permit from any of our staff onsite.
- You may also check with CARE Singapore directly or follow their social media platforms for more information:
- CARE Singapore (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/CARE.Singapore/
- CARE Singapore (Twitter): https://twitter.com/caresingapore
- CARE Singapore (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/caresingapore/
Will GXS Bank be working with CARE Singapore as a long-term partner?
- We are definitely keen to explore working with CARE Singapore in the future for other partnerships where GXS Bank is able to support them.
- In the meantime, we hope that the funds raised will help enhance their programmes and touch the lives of more at-risk youths.
Is CARE Singapore an official charity organisation?
- CARE Singapore is an IPC-registered charity which conducts activities that exclusively benefit the local community.
- CARE Singapore is also a member of the National Council of Social Services (NCSS).
- More information on CARE Singapore can be found on their website and on https://www.charities.gov.sg/
Will GXS Bank share how much has been raised at the end of the fundraiser?
- GXS Bank will be donating 100% of the fundraising proceeds to CARE Singapore.
- The total amount of funds raised will be shared within a week on GXS Bank’s website and social media channels following completion of the fundraising exercise.